The Vase and the Answer

Manrico Bugeja
3 min readFeb 5, 2019

I feel that fresh air from open windows (especially in the early morning) and fresh flowers bring a positive energy into the house and all those who come in contact with it.

Some months ago we moved to a new house which has a small garden with it. I am no gardener and my fingers are far from green, I’m afraid, but still, it was full of promise. A couple of trees, some herbs and flowers. Oh, and the visiting birds who make the atmosphere so much brighter with their cheerful chirping.

Now that we have this garden with flowers growing in it throughout the year, I long for fresh flowers even more. This is why I’ve been looking for a beautiful glass vase for the flowers.

Photo by Andrea Reiman on Unsplash

I have been to a good number of shops since then but never found one which I really liked. I decided against buying one just for the sake of it. I wanted one which I loved.

A couple of days ago I finally got to cleaning out a part of a room where the previous owner left a workbench and boxes of broken stuff and other junk which he didn’t even throw out. When the room was practically cleared, in the furthest corner, under other things I saw this beautiful glass vase. As you can imagine it was practically gray, covered in a layer of dust but I could immediately see its potential. A wash later and here it is… amazing. As my wife returned home a little later, she immediately noticed the vase: “That is beautiful, did you buy it this morning?”

2 out of 2 loved it. Great :)

Looking at the vase, lying there, looking beautiful (after probably many years in a dark corner) something else came to mind. There were many times when I felt that something was missing or that something was not right in my life. I would have every reason to feel happy, to feel great, but still. I would look here and there to see what is missing, what is extra, or what needs to be changed to solve this problem.

Sometimes, I did notice things which needed to change and which made a difference once changed or removed. But, practically always the solution is within me. At times, prayer or meditation would lead to me seeing what I need to change (attitude, habit, etc.). At other times, I would have a sudden eureka moment, a light bulb switching on, flooding the darkness with light. Even when the answer came through someone else´s words, it always felt like I knew that was it as soon as I heard it.

Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash

Like the vase which had been hiding inside the workshop all these months while I was looking for it in numerous shops, the answer would always be there, deep within me, waiting to come to light.

Photo by Thomas Willmott on Unsplash



Manrico Bugeja

Inspiring others (and myself) to choose hope and love en route to living life to the full.